Ten Mistakes You Might Be Making Using Red Light Therapy At Home

Since the red light therapy was used for skin care and health care,red light therapy was only available in some Spas and some Clinics.But now,there are more and more red light therapy products are design for the personal user,which made the treatment affortable and covenient to use at home.The red light therapy features compared to other health treatment is it is safe and natural,drug free,almost 0 risks and side effects.That means you do not need a trained professional to operate the treatment,just to use the devices according to the user manuel.So there are a few mistakes you may be making when using the red light therapy at home.These mistakes are not harmful to your body,but you can not get the full benefits.

1.The treatment effect can not meet expectations.

The biggest advantage of using red light therapy at home is that you can use it at any time each day,without paying the extra cost that the pro treatment would bring.But if you are not using the red light therapy device according to our advices,you’re waste the money you paid,and lost the potential benefits.

2.Wear clothes or sunscreen in treatment.

As we all know the clothes will block the UV from penetrating your skin,the clothes will also block red and near-infrared light as well.The sunscreen is also to prevent the UV light,it will also prvente some red and near-infrared light penetrating deeply.And for the ladies who wear makeup,the foundations contain SPF,so we advise to use red light therapy in morning before applying makeup,or after washing face before bed.

3.Place your body too far or too close to red light therapy device.

There is no standard instructions of saying how far we should place our body to the red light therapy device.Because every device output is the not the same.Generally,for skin issues,12-36 inches from the device,for the deeper issues,6-12 inches from the device.So we can do some guesswork or trial.

4.The session time is too long or too short.

Generally,we advise one session time is 10-20 minutes.But everyone body condition is different,the device output is also different.Some guys may say using fo 140 minutes in one session to instead of using everyday.According to red light therapy’s working principle,the red light provide energy to cells,too longtime,the cell can not absorb so many energy,these energy is wasted.But you use the red light therapy everyday,it will provide suitable amout of energy to cells,the skin cells keep activated everyday.

5.Using the Red or Near-Infrared for wrong target treatment.

Shanglaite Red light therapy has three mode:

①Only 660nm red

②Only 850nm Near-Infrared

③Combination of Red+Near Infrared

660nm red is effective for skin issues,hair growth,speed up wound healing.

850nm Near-Infrared is aimed for pain relief,muscle healing and recovery,cognitive health and so on.

Tips:When the red light therapy device is in only 850nm Near Infrared,it looks like the device not wokring.Don’t worry,the 850nm LED chips are woking.The 850nm Near infrared light is not visible light spectrum,human naked eyes can not see it.Place it in dark enviromen,you can see it.Or keep your hands close to the device,you can feel the heat generated by 850nm LEDs.

6.Not drink water during red light therapy treatment.

As we all know drinking water is good for human health.From the recently research,drinking water may help with the effectiveness of red light therapy.Researchers propose that red light therapy may prefer hydrated cells, as they tend to have more energy stored.Anyway,drinking water is good for our body.

7.Selected the wrong size red light therapy device.

Shanglaite Electronic Thechnology has multi-size red light therapy device.To be honest,we think everyone should have a T6000 full body red light therapy bed as it can deal with bigger issues and smaller complaints from customers.But it is impossible for everyone,it is not essential if your main aim is to relieve pain in your wrist.So we have series target treatment small size red light therapy product for your choices.However if you want to treat treat fibromyalgia or conditions involving large body parts such as chronic back pain,a large size red light therapy panel will provide more efficient treatment with less time.

8.The progress of treatment was not recorded.

Red light therapy treatment effect can be seen after several session.If you use red light therapy device to improve the skin’s appearance,you see yourself from mirror everyday,You can not notice the changes on the skin.Some customers use red light therapy to relieve chronic pain,you may not realize the the pain is reducing,until one day you can climb the stairs without the handrail.So we need to take picture or videos to record this progress,than you can see the improvement.

9.Did not consult your doctor before use.

Eventhough the red light therapy treatment is safe,natural,drug free and no side effect.But you need to consult your doctor before use to avoid some uncertain react.This is especially important if you’re pregnant, or if you’re undergoing certain treatments already.

10.Expecting quick results or a cure.

The red light therapy device is not a miracle cure.Red light therapy need continue to use daily.During these days,the skin cells will absorb the energy from red light therapy,to build collagen, heal damaged tissue, and stimulate stem cells.Then you will see your skin becomes better.

Summary:There are no serious mistakes with red light therapy.  However, small missteps or oversights can potentially alter the effectiveness of your treatment. The key is recognizing them and making the necessary adjustments.


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